I saw the funniest incident in a long time this week, had me chuckling for a few days. I was stopped at the lights in my Ferrari (fiat but its Italian, so same thing) when a young guy walked in front of my car and onto the grass bank covered in snow, looking generally please with himself in that chav way that is seen more frequently now. I honestly was looking at him in complete hatred (stereotyping) when low and behold he went flying about a foot into the air and landed right on his bum cheeks. Now at this point I knew it must have hurt, but I howled with laughter anyway at this mans poor misfortune. He must have heard me as he turned and scowled, which made me laugh harder, he dusted himself down and carried on his way, or would have done had he not went ass over tit again. At which point I was nearly crying from laughing so much and so hard. Again he picked himself up and attempted to walk off, and again he fell (this being the worst of the three), and I'm sure he bruised his bum. Unfortunately the lights changed and I had to leave, but I still chortle when I think of it. Comedy Gold.